The Marysville City Council has terminated City Manager Marti Brown without cause. The 3-2 decision came during a tense meeting on July 24, which Brown requested be made public. (You can watch the meeting above.)

The Council had previously voted to accept the city manager’s resignation. But Brown declined to sign it because it would have meant forfeiting unemployment benefits.

Mayor Ricky Samayoa, Vice Mayor Bruce Buttacavoli, and Councilmember Brad Hudson voted to terminate. Samayoa described a “toxic” environment at City Hall and said he’s lost trust in the city manager.

Councilmembers Stephanie McKenzie and Bill Simmons voted against termination. McKenzie felt she’d been misled to believe the initial vote to accept Brown’s resignation would be helpful to Brown.

Brown will now receive six months of severence pay. She said the following in an email to the Appeal-Democrat:

“It has been a tremendous honor and pleasure to serve the current and prior Marysville City Council and the citizens of Marysville. I love this town, the community and our City employees. I have really enjoyed living here and participating in Marysville’s civic life. I wish the City Council all the best in its search for the City’s next City Manager.”