The City of Inglewood
Job Category
Work Schedule
Job Closing Date
Job Open until Filled
Job Description
The City of Inglewood, CA (pop. 105,000) is seeking a collaborative, engaging and highly qualified Finance Director to serve as the city’s top fiscal officer. The Director is a key member of the city’s executive team and is responsible for leading the city’s financial operations as the City of Inglewood continues its growth as a major economic engine in the South Bay area of Los Angeles County. 

Inglewood is a full-service city with an all-funds budget of $377 million and employs over 525 full-time staff. Reporting to the City Manager, the Finance Director leads a department with an annual budget of approximately $11 million, and 45 employees in support of city operations and support functions. 

The City of Inglewood seeks candidates who are experienced financial leaders and excellent managers with superb judgment. and highly skilled in all aspects of financial accounting; budgeting; debt management; financial planning, analysis, and reporting; billing; customer service; purchasing; and other related administrative functions.   The ideal candidate will be a forward thinker who is progressive and can conduct long range financial planning, protect the city’s assets and maintain adequate internal financial controls and systems. 

Candidates must possess a bachelor’s degree in finance, accounting, business administration or a closely related field; designation as a Certified Public Accountant is preferred; a Master’s Degree from an accredited college or university in finance, accounting, business administration or a closely related field is also highly desirable. Candidates should possess demonstrated experience in financial management, accounting, analysis and reporting for a governmental or special district agency of which at least 2 years were at lead, supervisory or managerial level.  

To access job profile, log on to:
https://thehawkinscompany.com and click on Opportunities to access the job profile.

For confidential inquiries, please contact Yonnine Hawkins at 323-252-1655