California’s Duplex Law Isn’t Working. Now What?
A new UC Berkeley report shows SB 9 has failed to spur multi-family housing construction across the state. Frustrated with the slow pace of building, housing advocates could pursue additional legislation that wrestles more local control away from cities.
Torrance Votes to Leave League of California Cities
The City of Torrance is ending its 101-year membership with the League of California Cities, saying the organization has failed in its mission to advocate for local control of land-use and zoning issues.
California Says Goodbye to Single-Family Zoning
Lompoc Will Issue Letters of Authorization for Pot Businesses Amid Delays
The Lompoc City Council voted Monday to move forward with an emergency plan to streamline the commercial marijuana permitting process in that city.
Legislative Bill Would Undermine Voter-adopted Statutes in Over 60 Cities
Last year, California City News followed the controversial discussion in Pasadena,
An Interview with Assemblyman Eric Linder, Member of the Assembly Local Government Committee
We had a chance to sit down with sev
Change in airline tax policy could hurt local governments
A measure currently making its way through the state Legislature would strip counties of their authority to assess takes on airlines, moving that duty instead to the state Board of Equalization.
Sunnyvale can enforce gun ordinance, appeals court rules
A city ban on large-capacity magazines in firearms is enforceable, a federal appeals court ruled this week.
Industry pushes states to block local regulations