CalPERS triples its investment target, but many public employees will have to pay more
Swapping Out Some CalPERS Pensions for Alternative Plans? New Law Prevents It.
Cities and counties can no longer exclude certain employees from CalPERS pensions under a new law signed by Governor Gavin Newsom.
FPPC Investigating Ex-CalPERS CIO
The California Fair Political Practices Commission has announced an investigation into former CalPERS Chief Investment Office Yu Ben Meng.
Resignation of CalPERS CIO Followed Ethics Complaint
CalPERS CIO Resigns
In a sudden news release Wednesday evening, CalPERS announced the departure of Chief Investment Officer Yu Ben Meng. He was hired less than two years ago.
CalPERS’ "Risky” Investment Move
CalPERS Loses $69 Billion in Market Crash
CalPERS Retiree Gets Fund’s Largest Pension Ever at $34,884 a Month
The California Public Employment Retirees System has seen its biggest payout to date, and the recipient is a former CalPERS employee.
CalPERS Releases Its First Climate Change Risk Assessment
In its first ever assessment of climate change’s potential impacts on pension risk, the California Public Employees Retirement System has found that 20% of its investments are in sectors vulnerable